Best of MWC Barcelona 2024: Role Changes, Mobile AI and Open RAN Plans

Discover what happened at Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona with this detailed event report. The show ran from February 26-29 and had over 2,400 confirmed exhibitors and 101,000 attendees.

In the feature, written by Adrian Bridgwater for TechRepublic Premium, learn about the changing role of telephones, AI applications and services, and NTT Docomo’s commitment to becoming an Open RAN service provider for international telecom operators.

    Featured text from the download:

    “Our mobile is becoming more than just a telephone, it’s our navigator through life,” said Hakim Akayour, head of revenue assurance at data analytics company Sagacity.

    “There is growing intimacy with AI conversations, which is creating the illusion of a relationship. The development of ‘empathy’ is an interesting evolution here. It’s ‘empty empathy’ which is commercially driven. But a lot of work is being done in this area to build the illusion. Moreover, virtual assistants combined with automation will be key to organizations driving efficiencies,” said Akayour. “These virtual bots can run at very little cost after set-up… and they don’t get ill, complain, or have a bad day. Many of the big players are working on tech that can listen to the tense and tone of a person’s voice to identify clues about a person’s motivation and the ‘why’ behind the interaction, what is this person really looking for.”

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TIME SAVED: Crafting this content required 26 hours of dedicated writing, editing and research. Benefit from our expertise and boost your understanding of news from Mobile World Congress 2024 and the wider ramifications for the tech space.

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TechRepublic Premium
February 29, 2024
TechRepublic Premium

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