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  • #4224861

    error message from Ubiquity edgerouter-X about subnet range

    by lekkeralgemeen ·


    Hi everybody,

    Just setting up an Edgerouter-X with a dhcp range of
    Getting the error that none of the dhcp lease subnets are inside any of the subnets configured on broadcast interfaces.

    Changing all to the format, all goes well without any error message.

    Any idea what might be wrong?

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    • #4224864
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      Sounds correct.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to error message from Ubiquity edgerouter-X about subnet range

      You only supplied what you wrote but in my opinion this is correct in that you changed your LAN and as such, subnets would not be in your new dhcp range.

      Do you have staff with networking experience and training or is this company hoping to get by without?

      • #4224886

        Reply To: error message from Ubiquity edgerouter-X about subnet range

        by lekkeralgemeen ·

        In reply to Sounds correct.

        Thank you for your response!
        What would be needed to have as a subnet?
        I changed from provider and am asking myself if this could be provider related or VLAN related?

        I have no staff to take care of this.
        Installing PV panels, Heatpumps and making 33kWh Lithium battery packs that can push 60kW are more my kind of stuff 🙂

        • #4224923
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          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Reply To: error message from Ubiquity edgerouter-X about subnet range

          I read no mention of your reserved IPs so only you would know the answer. Or you could try that.

        • #4224937

          Reply To: error message from Ubiquity edgerouter-X about subnet range

          by lekkeralgemeen ·

          In reply to Basics?

          I cracked the case by giving the mail eth0 port the ip and the dhcp server which means the “1” t the first ip is not violated.

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